
Completion of Easiseeds Research Farm Project and Focus on Community Development -
Phase 3

Completion of Easiseeds Research Farm Project and Focus on Community Development - Phase 3

Easiseeds is currently in the process of harvesting the Phase 2 winter plantings on the research farm, which began on May 25, 2023 and will continue for approximately 4 more weeks.

The open-field plantings, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas, beetroot, and spinach, have generally yielded very good results. However, some of the cauliflower varieties did not perform well and were removed from the system as they were not suitable for the specific environment.

The tunnels on the research farm have shown a very positive outcome and desired results so far. The research farm is located near the coast, an area that is typically not suitable for tomato production due to abnormal fungal pressure. Although no tomatoes were successfully produced in the open-field due to this problem, the tomatoes planted in the tunnels yielded a complete and successful harvest. This indicates that the tunnels can control the influence of external fungal pressure and create an environment in which tomatoes can be produced during the winter.

The success of the research farm project has motivated Easiseeds to undertake a further initiative aimed at training emerging farmers and future generations in the agricultural industry. In collaboration with US AID, Easiseeds is already implementing this initiative in Africa by providing training and support to young emerging farmers.

There are now also plans in the pipeline to offer local training for emerging farmers in the surrounding community as an additional component of the research farm project. This training will be available for both small-scale and commercial farmers. Easiseeds has already begun training the farm workers for tunnel production, including seedling and seed planting, plant pruning, irrigation, and project management. The interest shown by nearby farmers who visited the plantings during Phase 2 also indicated a need for training. These farmers have already gained basic knowledge by visiting the research farm and were impressed with the successes of the plantings.

With Phase 3 of the research farm project, Easiseeds demonstrates their commitment to research, development, and support of emerging farmers. Through this, Easiseeds aims to make a positive impact in the agricultural community and promote the future growth of the industry.