Successful Results and Expansion of Easiseeds Research Farm Project - Phase 2
Successful Results and Expansion of Easiseeds Research Farm Project - Phase 2
The results of the plantings in Phase 1 of the Easiseeds research farm were highly successful. The open-field watermelon plantings performed exceptionally well, with high yields and outstanding quality. This indicates that vining crops thrive in the specific area.
Easiseeds' latest product, the Summer Seed Starter Pack, was planted with great success in an area of 3 x 10 meters. This package yielded a total vegetable production of 351 kg. The different crops in the package each contributed to the total yield, which was divided as follows:
- Squash - 48 kg
- Spinach - 99 kg
- Green beans - 19 kg
- Cabbage and kale - 105 kg
- Pumpkin - 28 kg
- Butternut - 22 kg
- Tomato - 30 kg
With the commencement of Phase 2 of the Easiseeds research farm project, the main objective was to plant a wide variety of new winter seed crops. During March 2023, various winter vegetable crops were planted for open-field production, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas, beetroot, and spinach. A total area of 240m2 was allocated and used for these vegetable trials.
Special attention was also given to the tunnels on the research farm during Phase 2. During the winter plantings, two summer vegetable crops, namely tomatoes and bell peppers, were planted in the tunnels. Easiseeds aimed to demonstrate that the tunnels are resistant to winter seasons and prevailing climate while proving and testing the quality of the tunnels.
The final phase of the plantings on the research farm in Phase 2 involved the pasture crops. In April 2023, a total of 55 blocks over a total area of 1.5 hectares were used for planting various pasture crops. The pasture plantings include a wide variety of perennial ryegrasses, annual ryegrasses, Italian ryegrass, rye, tall fescue, clovers, lucerne, oats, triticale, mustard, Japanese radish, forage rape, sunnhemp, ryegrass, and Canola.
The Easiseeds research farm project in the Western Cape is therefore progressing successfully through the different phases. The plantings in Phase 2 demonstrate Easiseeds' continued dedication to developing and promoting high-quality seed products.
This initiative enables Easiseeds to effectively determine which seed crops perform best in the specific climate conditions and farming environments of their customers. With each phase of the research farm project, Easiseeds enhances and expands their product range to provide emerging farmers in Africa with valuable and reliable seeds.